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s1 49 Cleaning the Car


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:2,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:2,000 ]

I'm Peppa Pig.This
is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Cleaning the Car!

Daddy Pig is taking the family

for a drive in the country.

Come on!
Is everyone ready?


Yes, Daddy Pig, we're ready.

But the car isn't ready!

Look how messy it is!

Oh, it's not too bad.

You should see how
messy it is inside!


Naughty, messy Daddy!

Naughty, messy Daddy!

Look at all this rubbish!

They're mine.


They're mine!

Mr. Dinosaur!
Dine-saw! Grrrr!

We must clean the car
before we go for a drive.

Oh, right you are, Mummy Pig.

Mummy, can we help to clean the car?

Yes, if you want to.


Daddy Pig has some warm
soapy water to wash the car.

Daddy pig
is washing the roof.

Mummy Pig is
washing the bonnet.

Peppa is washing the doors.

George wants to wash the windows.

But he is too little.

Poor George. Let me help you.

Oh, dear! George has
dropped his sponge

in a muddy puddle.

George, you're making the
car all muddy again!

I will wash the mud off.

Peppa, don't use the...muddy water.

Oh, dear! Peppa has thrown
the muddy water

all over the car.


Never mind.

We can use the garden
hose to clean it off.

Yes! Yes!
Can I hold the hose?

Peppa holds the hose and
Daddy Pig turns on the water.

Where's the water?

Arrgh! Peppa! Stop!

Sorry, Mummy.


Argh! Daddy Pig! Please
turn off the water!

Oh! No need to panic.

Oh, dear, everyone is wet.

At least the
car has been washed.

We've all been washed.

You go and dry yourselves
while I polish the car.

See you later.

See you later.

Daddy Pig is polishing
the car so well,

he can see his face in it.

What a funny face!

Oh! More funny faces!

It's Peppa and George!

And Mummy Pig.

What a lovely, shiny car.

Yes, I am a bit of an
expert at these things.

Come on, I'll drive today.

Is everybody ready?


Then lets go!

I hope you will all keep
this car clean today.

Yes, Mummy Pig.

Yes, Mummy Pig.


Mummy, now you've made
the car all muddy again.

Naughty Mummy.

Naughty, messy Mummy.


wet [wet] n. 雨天;湿气 adj. [气象][物] 潮湿的;有雨的 vt. 弄湿 vi. 变湿 n. (Wet)人名;(英、纳米、南非)韦特 {zk gk :2343}

rubbish [ˈrʌbɪʃ] n. 垃圾,废物;废话 adj. 毫无价值的 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3206}

mud [mʌd] vt. 弄脏;用泥涂 vi. 钻入泥中 n. 泥;诽谤的话;无价值的东西 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3520}

panic [ˈpænɪk] n. 恐慌,惊慌;大恐慌 adj. 恐慌的;没有理由的 vt. 使恐慌 vi. 十分惊慌 n. (Panic)人名;(罗)帕尼克 {gk cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :3777}

polishing ['pɒlɪʃɪŋ] v. [机] 磨光;擦亮;修正(polish的ing形式) n. [机] 抛光;[机] 磨光 { :4344}

Polish [ˈpɒlɪʃ] n. 磨光,擦亮;上光剂,擦亮剂;优雅,精良 vi. 擦亮,变光滑 vt. 磨光,使发亮 adj. 波兰的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4344}

shiny [ˈʃaɪni] adj. 有光泽的,擦亮的;闪耀的;晴朗的;磨损的 {toefl :5128}

dinosaur [ˈdaɪnəsɔ:(r)] n. 恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物 {gk toefl :5326}

hose [həʊz] n. 软管;长筒袜;男性穿的紧身裤 vt. 用软管浇水;痛打 {cet6 ky ielts :6226}

muddy [ˈmʌdi] adj. 泥泞的;模糊的;混乱的 vt. 使污浊;使沾上泥;把…弄糊涂 vi. 变得泥泞;沾满烂泥 {gk cet4 cet6 gre :6484}

messy [ˈmesi] adj. 凌乱的,散乱的;肮脏的,污秽的;麻烦的 {gk toefl :6651}

naughty [ˈnɔ:ti] adj. 顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的;不适当的;下流的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :7181}

sponge [spʌndʒ] n. 海绵;海绵状物 vt. 抹掉;用海绵擦拭;讨得 vi. 采集海绵;过寄生生活;海绵般地吸收 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :7966}

bonnet [ˈbɒnɪt] n. [机] 阀盖;软帽 vt. 给…装上罩;给…戴上帽子 n. (Bonnet)人名;(英)邦尼特;(法、意)博内;(德、西、葡、捷)邦内特 {gre :8723}

puddle [ˈpʌdl] n. 水坑,泥潭;胶土(由粘土与水和成,不透水) vt. 使泥泞,搅浑;把…捣制成胶土;搅炼;用胶土填塞 vi. 搅泥浆;在水坑中嬉戏 {toefl gre :9010}

soapy [ˈsəʊpi] adj. 涂着肥皂的;含有肥皂的;似肥皂的;圆滑的 { :18349}

hurray [hʊˈreɪ] n. 万岁呼声;狂热 n. (Hurray)人名;(匈)胡劳伊 vt. 向…欢呼(等于hurrah) int. 加油 vi. 欢呼 { :34628}

argh [ ] [网络] 唉呦;生气;这趟没去成马祖

arrgh [ ] 啊(拟声词)

grrrr [ ] n. (网络用语) "Growling" (咆哮,就是吼人家)

wahhh [ ] [网络] 呃

clean it [ ] [网络] 清洗它;清除方法;清理软体

funny face [ˈfʌni feis] [网络] 甜姐儿;滑稽面孔;丑小鸭

mud off [ ] un. 泥封

muddy water [ ] na. 法国啤酒 [网络] 浑水;浑水公司;泥水

soapy water [ ] na. 肥皂水 [网络] 溶媒

to clean [ ] [网络] 打扫;清洁;有点牵强但不能算错

to wash [ ] [网络] 洗;清洗;冲洗

wash the windows [ ] [网络] 擦窗户;擦洗窗户

will wash [ ] 经得起考验;可以接受;站得住脚

daddy pig
mummy pig

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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